Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Caitlyn's Chorus Program

Caitlyn had a performance last night at her school. It was really great. Dan and I really enjoy going to them. I video taped a portion of their song .... its from my phone so please bare with us on the quality :)

Caitlyn, also, got her progress report where she had 6 A's and 2 B's :) We're very proud of her :)!! She has signed up for her classes next year (seems early doesnt it???) and she'll be in statistics, chemistry, AP government, honors english, criminal justice, study block, PE and spanish 4 ....... scary isnt it!!

Happy Holidays!

Dan, Heidi and Caitlyn

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi,I had a great time reading yours experience I wish her All the Best! for her future.