Sunday, September 21, 2008

New Puppies!! High School Football AND Soccer (its been a busy weekend)!

Liberty and Stanley are the proud parents of their 4th litter. Liberty had her first pup this morning at 4:15am ... Dan woke up frantic to the noise of a baby and sure enough Liberty was on the floor and trying to get under the bed ... we couldnt find the baby only to find out that Liberty had the little girl in her mouth! She was trying to find a safe place (under our bed ... :() to have the rest of them. She let us put her into the pool that we had setup in our bedroom. Between 4:15am and 6:30am she had 2 beatiful little girls and 2 handsome boys.

Stanley and Gunner are anxious to see the pups, but Liberty will eat them if they get too close, so for now we'll keep the little ones upstairs.

Its pretty amazing how accurate the gestation calendars are for pups. Her due date was September 21st and walla! We'll post more photos of the babies as they grow and get more "mobile" ... however, these pups are the most alert/mobile we've had.

Caitlyn is doing very well in school and really enjoys her new classes. We went to her first football game (First Colonial HS and Landstown HS) and her school (First Colonial) won! It was their first win of the season and it was a surprising one since Landstown was undefeated. Caitlyn didnt even mind that Dan and I went to the game with her ... kind of strange, but I'll take it while I can :)

Yesterday we had her first soccer game. Her team played very well. They lost 0 to 1, but played hard. Cat has quite a few bruises to show for it. All of the girls painted their hair red ... I'm afraid I'll
never get Cat to wash it out ... she is enjoying having red streaks in her hair :)

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