Saturday, January 30, 2010

Snow in Virginia Beach????

The weather is quite insane here in VA Beach.  Its quite rare that we get snow especially snow that stays on the ground.  Here are some pictures of Caitlyn with her friend Chelsea and her sisters.  I added a few photos of Gunner, Liberty and Stanley, as well :)

I have a funny feeling that school will be canceled on Monday ... hmmmmnnn Monday is the makeup day from the last snow day where we didn't have any snow :)

Dan, Heidi, Caitlyn, Gunner, Liberty and Stanley


Sunday, January 17, 2010

Hot Yoga ...

Happy Martin Luther King Day!!  This is the first time (I think ever ...) that I have had this day off at work.  I am going to thoroughly enjoy it!  Most of the holidays like this Dan and Caitlyn get off and I have to work ... starting with 2010 my company has included this as a paid holiday :)

Firs things first ... if anyone receives this update and would prefer to just go to our website and not receive the email ... we completely understand!!  Just reply back and let us know to remove your email.  We wont take offense.  We don't want to inundate anyone's email with our "family update" especially when you can check it yourself by going to 

Caitlyn and I stepped out of our "box" on Friday and went to Hot Yoga ... the only Yoga that I have done previous to this has been on the WII!!  It was an hour long and in a room of 90+ degrees.  Some of the people in that room were pretzels in disguise ... I am convinced!  No human could stand so high on their tippy toes!!  Our instructor was Grady ... I must admit they were VERY accommodating to "newbies" and we felt very comfortable (until we got 1/2 way through :).  After it was done Grady asked us how we liked it ... I told him that I wished I had worn my watch so I would know how much torture I had left ... I thought I was being funny ... no one laughed :(  I was being truthful ... I really did wish I had worn a watch, but I'm pretty sure thats the point of Yoga ... I think you are supposed to "lose yourself" and not care about time.  Well, lets just say that when I had sweat pouring off of my head ... I wanted to know how much longer I would be sweating.  I, personally, think thats why they make the clock so big at all professional sports :)  I think that Cat and I will go back for the Beginners Week where we can go as many times in a week for $10.  We did enjoy it, once it was done, and felt very relaxed ... sore, but relaxed.

In the meantime, I will continue my WII Fit exercising.  I enjoy the games in between the Yoga exercises and based on my BMI on the program .. its doing something???  With all of the football games this weekend I have gotten A LOT of WII Fitness in!!  I am pretty darn sore!  I did finally break down and clean the house today.  I am embarrassed to admit that we still had Christmas decorations up .. not all of them, but the garland and bows which pretty much decorates the entire front of the house.  So, after my exercising I broke down and took down Christmas.  Since it was 60 degrees out it was easier to do :)

Dan received word this last week that he will probably receive his orders next week.  We are praying for Portsmouth, VA, but we'll make it work with wherever it is.  We have been so blessed to be in one location for so long.  Caitlyn wants him to get a job in Hawaii :)

Caitlyn starts her conditioning for school soccer this week.  She will have conditioning 2 days a week until tryouts in the end of February ... in between that she will play her indoor team, the old mommas team with me :), and start practicing for her advanced spring league.  I have a feeling that our upcoming months will be quite busy!!  She is currently at the Avatar 3D movie with a friend ... I have heard great things about it so I hope they enjoy it.

Unlike most states VA has a requirement that you cannot get your drivers license until (1) you are 16yrs and 3 months and (2) have had your permit for 9 months minimum ... so Cat cannot get her "real" drivers license until April 5th.  We are all looking forward to her getting her license with the number of activities she is in!  She will drive the T-Bird.  I bought it new in 1997 and its been a great car ... its also heavier than you can imagine.  I always felt save driving it considering I could barely open the doors :)  She is taking her behind the wheel training at school right now and she is driving quite a bit with Dan and I.

Dan is fixing Filet Mignon (he got it for $2/lb ... he bought a lot of it!!) and potatoes so its a good thing I worked out so much today :)  It smells fantastic!!

Take Care and Best Wishes To Everyone!!
Dan, Heidi, Cat, Gunner, Liberty and Stanley

PS - the season premier of 24 is on tonight!!!  We are psyched!!  We love this show!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Correction .... 6 Credit Hours .... & Soccer

We found out today that Cat actually received 6 college credit hours not 2 for her test results on the Spanish I CLEP exam yesterday! We were also told that typically the only people that pass the Spanish CLEP exam are those individuals who speak Spanish as their native language and that it is the hardest course to pass!! Triple amazing :) She will take level II next week and that is worth an additional 12 credit hours.

Cat will start her conditioning for her High School (First Colonial) soccer team tryouts. The tryouts are in late February so they have some time to practice together and she will be playing two indoor leagues (the old ladies and her girls 16 league :). She will, also, be on the spring advanced league that she typically plays on with Coach Heather and on the same team she played with last year for sand soccer. The sand soccer is really fun to watch. I think the over 30yrs team that I am on has a sand soccer team, but I don't think I will be playing sand soccer ... I am not a fan of sand and I've seen just how "sandy" Cat gets ... so I think I will stay on the side lines for that :)

Dan, Heidi & Cat

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Caitlyn is a College Girl :)

Hello & Happy New Year ... its hard to believe that January is almost halfway over! Caitlyn took her first CLEP exam today for Spanish I and passed :) She received 2 college credits!! She is already in AP Government to earn college credits, as well, but she officially has 2 credits as of this am :) It was pretty exciting. She takes her first SAT exam on Jan. 23rd. She has taken the PSAT the last 2 years and done very well so she is going to try out the SAT. Its good practice to get familiar with what is on the test before the scores start to really matter.

She is seriously considering going to James Madison University. I know several people at work that graduated from there and its not too far from home, but far enough to give her some "room" :). So, we'll see how that progresses. She has lots of time.

She is going to try out for the school soccer team. I am not sure when the tryouts are, but I'll be sure to let you know. She is playing indoor soccer right now and she and I are going to play indoor soccer together on a Women Over 30 League ... I hope I don't regret it :) They allow up to two players ages 16-18 on each team with the old ladies so Cat will be one of them. Our first game is January 24th and we play each Sunday through winter. Its all year long if I don't make too big of a fool of myself :) I am a little anxious about it, but it should be fun. I don't think I will be posting any pictures of those games :)

Dan doesn't know yet where he will be stationed and we may not find out until the end of April ... April will be a busy month. Cat will start driving on her own and we find out where Dan's next job will be and how soon he has to be there :)

My eyes have healed pretty well ... the Dr thinks I am allergic to Neosporin ... that would be a terrible thing for me. I am not sure if any of you have seen My Big Fat Greek Wedding and how the Dad puts Windex on everything ... well Neosporin is my Windex ... whatever is ailing you ... Neosporin will fix it :)  Here is a link to buy some just in case you've run out :) 

We'll keep you updated on our activities.

Take Care,
Dan, Heidi and Caitlyn

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year!!

We have already had a busy start to the New Year!  Caitlyn had an indoor soccer game today.  Caitlyn scored!!  Since she is usually in defense this isnt normal.  She really enjoyed playing forward.

We finally got a WII ... we were pretty sure that we were the last ones to get one!!  Dan is beating me in bowling on a regular basis, but I will keep practicing ... I am pretty bad right now (score of 86 ... :)  It is a lot of fun and we are all sore!  Caitlyn boxed last night for about an hour ... after her soccer game and the boxing she is curled up on the couch right now and I dont think she is going anywhere too soon :)

I woke up today with a VERY strange allergic reaction on my eyes ... my eyes are peeling ... red ... puffy and swollen!!  I pretty much dont have an eye lid ... I researched on the internet and I'm hoping the cream I put on them fixes it ... if its not better by morning Dan is going to make me go to the hospital :(  I think they are starting to get better ... I am just hoping it doesn't get in the way of my WII bowling tonight :).  I sure hope they get better ... Caitlyn asked me "will you go to work like THAT???" ... that will give you an idea of how ridiculous they are :)

My parents are at Yellowstone National Monument right now ... on a snowmobile!!  They are having a beautiful time and sent some incredible photos.  I remember that this is something they wanted to do each Christmas when I was growing up so I am very happy that they have been able to do it.  In the photos that my Dad sent there is the most beautiful photo of my Mom.  She looks like an Eskimo :)  It looks like shes done a great job of staying warm!!  I have posted the photos below.

Our best wishes for a healthy and prosperous New Year!!
Dan, Heidi and Caitlyn