Saturday, October 25, 2008

Cat's Soccer Game ... they WON!!

Last weekend Cat's soccer games were cancelled due to rain and we thought the same would happen today, but they actually played in the rain! The game was in Moyock, NC ... getting there was an adventure all in itself, but all troubles were ok when the kids won :) I belive the score was 5 to 1.
We had a wonderful visit from Mark (Dans brother) and Shelley last night. They were on their way back from Hilton Head. They had Annabelle with them ... she is one of our puppies from 3.5yrs ago. She is adoreable!! It was great to see all three of them. I should have a photo to post here ... but I dont :( I'll remember next time.
Well .. I am off to pick Cat up from the Haunted House/Pumpkin Patch. She went with her friend Travis from Middle School. Hes a great kid!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Suburban Off In The Sunset .... More puppies

The Burb has found a new family. Its sad, but true. The family that bought it are a young couple with two kids and the husband is just in love with the Suburban. We know that they will take great care of it and they appreciated how much Dan took care of it. I took a photo of the Burb driving off into the sunset and Dan in the KMart shopping center where we met the buyers :( We have now sold the Camry and the Suburban ... down to one vehicle until we buy a replacement. Actually, we're down to 0 cars right now, because we brought the TBird into the shop to get the air conditioning etc. fixed. We have had three cars for the past 10 years so this will take some adjustment. The good news is that we do most everything together anyway ... driving to/from work together ... Cats soccer and Dan does all the grocery shopping before I can even think about waking up on Saturday morning. Has anyone else noticed that men can buy a lot more for less at the grocery store? I am amazed at how much Dan buys for $100 ... when I go and think "ok I can do this" I walk out with a $300 bill! How can that be! I have come to the conclusion that its just better for Dan to do the grocery store! I never miss anything when he goes so what the heck am I buying?? Its insane!

Caitlyn is doing great in school and is now part of two clubs (yes ... soccer, two clubs and ....) the Young Democrats and The Green Team. I'm afraid to say that we're not always a very good example of being the "green family" but I feel better since my Dad installed the new thermostats :) I can officially say we're saving energy :) Does that count? Probably it would go over better if we recycled our soda/soup cans. We'll get there. My biggest issue is that recycling lends itself to a lot of empty food cans sitting around. Inevitably they stink and attract bugs. Its not a good excuse, but if there was an answer (without washing every bottle and can) I would probably be better about it.
The puppies are growing by leaps and bounds! They are starting to eat some regular food (slowly but we'll get there) and their teeth will come in shortly. Here is a video of the pups playing. I wish I could get the video to really show how darn cute they are! The littlest girl (I secretly call her Zoe :) is so small! She is about half the size of the others. The other little girl is small, too, but not nearly as small as Zoe. Enjoy!

I took a few photos of the pups this evening that were pretty cute. Zoe is the little one on the far right. The little boy on the far left (the biggest one) has the most personality so far. Hes very active and fun! Until another day best wishes from Dan, Heidi, Cat, Gunner, Liberty, Stanely and the Pups!

Saturday, October 11, 2008


Caitlyn's first homecoming dance was tonight. She looked beautiful! Enough to make a mother cry (and feel old :() I dropped her off at the dance this evening where she is meeting her girlfriends and her "friend" JT. Dan and I are so proud of her :) She was also quite excited to tell me last week that her progress report was updated showing that she has straight A's.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Puppies eyes are opening :) Car woes ...

I dont have any good photos of it yet, but the puppies eyes started opening on Sunday. The boys (two of them) and one of the girls have their eyes completely open, but out little one hasnt opened either one of her eyes yet. We have moved the pups downstairs, but Gunner and Stanley stay clear of the pool.

In preparation for selling our vehicles I took the Camry to a car wash ... that was about 4 weeks ago. When they drove the car through the radio was on and they drove it through the car wash that way. The antenna broke. I filled out the paperwork to have them replace it. Two weeks later (2 saturdays ago) I bring the car in to get the antenna replaced. After an hour and a half the manager tells me that they have replaced the antenna, but it makes a little bit of noise. If I want I can bring it back and they will fix it (I was in a hurry because we had someone coming to look at the car to buy it ...). The antenna made the most gawdawful noise you can imagine ... and it wasnt a few seconds ... it went on and on and on! So, last Saturday I brought the car back. We dropped it off so they would have all day to fix it ... at about 3pm they called and said ... not only have we not fixed the antenna, but your radio doesnt work at all and it appears as though we have fired the electrical system for it. We'll have to send you to the Toyota dealership to get it fixed!! Since Saturday and before we dropped the car off at the Toyota dealership the clock stopped working, the overhead lamp stopped working and the car is now overheating when at any idle just to name a few things! We probably wont find out until Monday what we're looking at, but its pretty insane. The car wash manager said to me when I left on Saturday "Mrs. Boe .. I am afraid your car is possessed!!"

Let's hope its only possessed for the Halloween holiday and not for good :)

And since this is the 3rd time I have had an antenna broken at the car wash ... I'm afraid Dan will be cutting me off from taking the cars to the car wash!!

Caitlyn's First High School Progress Report!

Caitlyn's first high school progress report was VERY successful! She received 1 B and 7 A's! Not only that but her classes are quite advanced:

Spanish 3

Legal Studies Academy: Honors English

Algebra 2/Trig


Health and PE

Legal Studies Academy: Biology

Legal Studies Academy: Intro to Law

Legal Studies Academy: World History

Dan and I are very proud of her!! Here is a copy of her progress report :) I can only hope to do as well in my courses :) Caitlyn has her first homecoming dance this weekend. She and her friends are going to the dance together. I think they will have a great time! We'll definately post photos on Saturday.